Your Name - 4K Ultra HD Collector’s Edition (Includes 2D Blu-ray)
Mitsuha and Taki have never met, but when the frustrated country girl wishes of a life in the big city, they will forge a connection both unexplainable and unforgettable.In their dreams, the two swap lives, cultures and genders as they learn more about, and grow closer to, each other. What was once a shock becomes a joy-filled double life, but what will happen when they discover the red string of fate tying them together?Product Details:Rigid caseDigipak28 page art booklet4 art cards1 x 4K disc1 x Blu-ray discPromotional TV special (21 minutes)Theme song by RADWIMPS (English ver.)Filmography of Makoto Shinkai (10 minutes)Promotional videos
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